On November 6, 2023, the UAE Ministry of Economy published Cabinet Decision No. (109) of 2023 an enhancement of the previous Decision (Cabinet Resolution No. 58 of 2020) on the “Regulation of Procedures Related to Real Beneficiaries”. This Decision mandates companies operating in the UAE mainland and commercial free zones to establish registers of their beneficial owners and shareholders. Additionally, companies are required to submit these registers to the appropriate registrar and licensing authorities.
Cabinet Decision No. (109) of 2023 is applicable to all Legal Persons (having separate Legal Identity) licensed & registered in the UAE & Commercial Free Zones.
Companies wholly owned by (a) the Federal or Local Government or any other companies wholly owned by such companies, (b) a Financial Free Zones and (c) Governmental Partner are exempted from the provision of the decision.
The Beneficial Owner's Record should contain:
Legal entities must establish and maintain a record of Beneficial Owners within sixty (60) days of the issuance of this decision or its existence, updating it within fifteen (15) days of any changes.
If a natural person's name is included in the Beneficial Owner Record without their knowledge, the legal entity must notify them within fifteen (15) days.
Every Entity must take reasonable measures to obtain appropriate, accurate and up-to-date data for the Registers and preserve its records from damage, loss or destruction. They must also appoint an individual point of contact (resident in the UAE) and provide the details of that contact to the Registrar.
The Decision details the data to be collected and entered on each respective Register. Any additional data requested by the Registrar shall need to be provided by the deadline specified in the data request.
Entities in a regulated market, in a state of dissolution or liquidation are subject to adjusted filing requirements under the Decision.
Any case of a violation to the provisions of this Decision can result in the Minister of Economy or the Licensing Authority imposing one or more sanctions.
You may submit the information required at our e-Portal
Click here to watch the webinar organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and Executive Office of Anti-Money Laundering and counter Terrorism Financing, for investors and employees in Hamriyah Free Zone Authority and Sharjah Airport International Free Zone Authority.
Step by Step Guide in filling out the UBO Declaration Form for Individual Owner/s
Step by Step Guide in filling out the UBO Declaration Form for Corporate Owner/s
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